Safety first


Safety first

It is widely recognised that children’s play is essential for the development of physical and emotional strength, intellect and education. It also encourages creativity and imagination, as well as helping to improve social and behavioural skills.

However, play areas also need to be safe, which is why the European Standard EN 1176 was introduced. Children need places to play which are accessible, stimulating and safe, but they also neds the chance to learn about risk and consequences in a controlled environment. 

The European Standard EN 1176

The purpose of the European Standard EN 1176 is to: 

According to HSE 2012 Children’s Play and Leisure: “Play is great for children’s well-being and development. When planning and providing play opportunities, the goal is not to eliminate risk, but to weigh up the risks and benefits. No child will learn about risk if they are wrapped in cotton wool.”

Safe, exciting and fun

Ace Play has been in operation since 2010 and the business works with housing associations, schools, leisure providers, commercial play area providers and local councils to provide safe, exciting and fun indoor and outside play areas. All its playground equipment is manufactured and tested to the highest standards to comply with the European Standard EN 1176.

The European Standard EN 1176 also states that once a play area is in operation, an appropriate inspection schedule must be established and maintained to prevent accidents from occurring. Maintenance of all playground equipment is vital. It is the responsibility of the owner to keep the play areas safe, and delaying the needed repairs not only shortens the life of equipment but increases the risks of accidents happening. 

Registered and certified inspectors

To help operators meet this requirement, Ace Play can carry out inspections, with RPII Operational Level registered and certified inspectors, who will advise on all play equipment irrespective or the original supplier. The RPII provides the only acknowledged independent accreditation process for the children’s play equipment. Using a RPII (registered of Play Inspectors International) play inspector is the best course of action to meet industry recommended standards.

Here at Ace Play Ltd, we are passionate about creating safe, inspiring play areas for children all over the UK. If you would like to know more about our soft indoor play areas – or our outdoor playgrounds, please contact us here.

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