Trees, Trees, and more trees


Trees, Trees, and more trees

When we’re looking at how we make equipment and structures for our outdoor play schemes, we are always mindful of how to ensure they are environmentally-friendly. At Ace Play, we always recognise that we have a duty to keep the effects of our activities on the environment to a minimum. One of the key areas we excel in is our recycling programme. For example, we have been recycling 99% of all High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) waste material since our inception and it’s our policy to recycle as much as possible in all aspects of our work.

A natural choice

But when it comes to materials for many aspects of our projects, you may not think it’s easy to choose a sustainable option. For years plastic and metal were so much a part of the raw materials used in the making of playground products, such as swings, slides and other activity equipment. The carbon footprint of something made of plastic or metal is so much greater than anything crafted from timber.

However, because of the nature of our outdoor play schemes, a resource like timber is a natural choice as a key component. Timber is the most sustainable form of construction – it’s non-toxic, entirely organic and naturally renewable. Though there is outcry about deforestation of certain parts of the world, timber is something that can renewed very easily, if planned in advance. What countries and governments need to do is make sure they invest time and effort into replanting and replacing trees that have been lost. It is a naturally-renewing resource, but it’s also a depleting resource too, and its importance is often underestimated.

The sustainable option

When it comes to our work, a key aspect is the continuing sustainability of construction. Timber is a very useful resource that is becoming popular again as a construction material – in the building industry itself, as well as for our designs. Wood is extremely versatile and can be used in so many applications. It’s also a natural insulator and can be an ideal construction material for outdoor cabins, classrooms and treehouses.                                                             

One great aspect of wood is that it is entirely biodegradable. As wood ages over time, it can be replaced with new timber easily and the old wood leaves no trace – it can either be burned, or degrade naturally. Wood can be treated to be more resilient to weather damage in outdoor settings, or painted and decorated to become very attractive to the eye.

It this way it’s the ideal material for us to use in our range of products. These include everything from the fencing surrounds to our MUGAs, and staging and seating areas, to tower units, outdoor classrooms and shelters – we make products of all shapes and sizes from this valuable material. The fact that wood is both easy to source and easy to work with, allows us to let our imaginations run free, with design ideas for our projects. 

If you would like to learn more about our product ranges – and how we can help you create an exciting, sustainable activity or educational space – then get in touch with us today.

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