Themed playgrounds: design aesthetics to enhance playgrounds


Themed playgrounds: design aesthetics to enhance playgrounds

When it comes to designing a playground, there are so many factors to consider. We have previously talked about the importance of making playgrounds inclusive and safe. It’s just as valuable to keep thinking of ways to enhance the fun factor as much as possible too, to keep children engaged and interested.

Designs and themes for playgrounds

Children like to let their imaginations run wild. And it’s great to encourage this far as far as we can. When children play in a sandpit, they may be pretending to be enjoying day at the beach. When they work their way across a log stacker, they may be pretending to be an intrepid explorer, making their way through a jungle. This kind of creativity is what we can tap into, when we are coming up with designs and themes for one of our playgrounds.

Whatever the theme, using our wealth of experience, we can develop an interactive playground setting that links with a whole variety of themes or topics. 

Our playground markings are a fun way to establish a theme for the whole area. Perhaps our Duck Duck Goose markings will inspire a whole farmyard feel. Or our Snail One to Ten markings can create a numbers or ‘creepy crawlie’ theme.

Talented team of designers

Our skilled product design team will develop a creative schematic, tailored to the exact needs of your users and environment which will be presented to you as a 3D visual.  If we are producing a play scheme for a school, for example, we can link the environment to curriculum-based topics to support each pupil’s learning journey.

Get in touch with us today to find out how we can design and install a safe, stimulating place for children of all ages to explore and have fun. 

View our photo gallery of recently completed work
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